30 October 2012

Tips To Save Money

You need to know and learn 9 Tips for Saving Money, so your financial situation to be better than ever. Not everyone has the ability to reduce expenses to the maximum so as to collect a lot of money in a savings book for both important and urgent needs in the future. Hobby prestige factor and often the cause of a lot of money lost for something less important over reason.

Here are tips for you who have difficulty managing your money:

1. Record Revenue And Spending Your Money
Create a plan of income and expenditure plan in which each end of the month there should be plenty of money to save. Strict discipline and never violate the existing budget but very important and urgent.

2. Annihilate / Save Far-Away Credit Card and ATM Card
Ease into debt and took the money savings will trap you in the enjoyment of spending money. Therefore you should cash your monthly budget should keep at home without fiddling with the cards towing your money and money in the bank.

3. Prestige And Eliminate Your Expensive Hobby
If you are embarrassed to be seen beggar and outdated, from now on you should be able to appear and outdated beggar in front of your acquaintance, if you need to move house and start a new life of puppy and outdated. Actually not to have puppy and outdated, but rather a simple life where you are spending only on the essentials and cheap. Change is expensive hobbies like walking out of the country with the roads in the complex / village of your home. A hobby to the gym / fitness center locker with a run jog around the village, or play ball / badminton on the ground near home or on the street.

4. Saving Big Spending Your Routine
Administrative fee credit card bills, taxes, United Nations, electricity, water pam, cable tv, satellite tv, elite school children, phone, etc. an overwhelming number should be eliminated. Examples such as credit card unsubscribe, newspapers, magazines, tv & internet monthly, etc. or moving into a new house a small and simple way to save costs pln, pam, UN, phone, etc.. If you like talking on the phone, change by speaking directly, or use the phone as needed not long-winded.

5. Change the Use of Transportation Expensive
From the usual private car ride to nowhere should you sell the car and buy a motorcycle. If you often ride motorcycle taxis and motorcycles, now use personal bike, public transport or on foot.

6. Eating And Drinking At Home Or Just Bring From Home
That would make their own food and drinks simple cost less than snacks outside. Breakfast at home, lunch from stock brought from home, dinner at home, etc.. Then again craving good food better be detained only if the need fasting to eliminate uncontrolled lust that will destroy your finances.

7. Apply Simple Life In A Family
Forced child, your husband or wife to accept the harsh reality that we must live simply because of the simple life is the beginning of true happiness. They also must be prepared to live in poverty at any time if the Lord wills.

8. Stop your stupid habit
For those of you who smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs, play prostitution, cheating, committing a crime and sin, and so stop the habit immediately because there is no point and it all just burn the money and destroy your life both in this world and in the Hereafter.

9. Save Shopping Shopping Lust You And Keep You
Are fond of shopping, you should create a shopping list within the budget that has been made that are not easily tempted by the goods sold other than you need. Make sure the product you buy is not an essential function of the same expensive and the quality is not bad. If you are desperate to buy something, use your brain manipulation tactics as if you had bought it but got home lost stolen rats.


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